Friday 28 June

Wind forecast for Ward of Chaguanas
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1312121416201614
Wind gusts ( km/h)2120201834262624
Wind direction (→)90degree wind83degree wind88degree wind82degree wind70degree wind57degree wind66degree wind76degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)88888888
Wave direction (→)4242414141424242
Temperature (°C)24°C28°C26°C28°C26°C26°C26°C25°C
Cloud cover (%) 0.1 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.6
*Precip. (mm/1h)8756778786837055

Saturday 29 June

Wind forecast for Ward of Chaguanas
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1312121212121213
Wind gusts ( km/h)2220201617171922
Wind direction (→)74degree wind79degree wind93degree wind118degree wind114degree wind110degree wind101degree wind78degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)88587788
Wave direction (→)4242424242434243
Temperature (°C)25°C24°C24°C27°C29°C28°C27°C26°C
Cloud cover (%) 0.2 0.1 0.3 0 0.6 0.5 0.3 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)7576777481788440

Sunday 30 June

Wind forecast for Ward of Chaguanas
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1513141514151612
Wind gusts ( km/h)2422241920213121
Wind direction (→)77degree wind88degree wind87degree wind94degree wind83degree wind55degree wind63degree wind72degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)88888888
Wave direction (→)4241424242424242
Temperature (°C)26°C28°C26°C28°C28°C28°C26°C25°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 1.3 0 0.6 0.5 0.6 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)4270717989818524

Monday 1 July

Wind forecast for Ward of Chaguanas
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)11121166739
Wind gusts ( km/h)1819187910516
Wind direction (→)60degree wind51degree wind48degree wind31degree wind330degree wind277degree wind199degree wind134degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)88881312109
Wave direction (→)4139383845392422
Temperature (°C)25°C27°C26°C27°C28°C27°C26°C25°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0.1 0.1 0.3 1.7 0.1 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)4159545476802020

Tuesday 2 July

Wind forecast for Ward of Chaguanas
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1414151718181614
Wind gusts ( km/h)2423252425252423
Wind direction (→)127degree wind130degree wind126degree wind123degree wind116degree wind104degree wind96degree wind85degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)99998888
Wave direction (→)2323202032363635
Temperature (°C)25°C27°C27°C27°C29°C29°C27°C26°C
Cloud cover (%) 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)7279833323312644

Wednesday 3 July

Wind forecast for Ward of Chaguanas
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1413128991012
Wind gusts ( km/h)2222191314141821
Wind direction (→)76degree wind68degree wind54degree wind92degree wind169degree wind137degree wind116degree wind117degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)76911101099
Wave direction (→)3438474342424343
Temperature (°C)25°C26°C26°C26°C27°C28°C26°C25°C
Cloud cover (%) 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0 0 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)4848514625201320

Thursday 4 July

Wind forecast for Ward of Chaguanas
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1212121518181714
Wind gusts ( km/h)2119192028322422
Wind direction (→)112degree wind110degree wind109degree wind101degree wind95degree wind98degree wind106degree wind108degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)99988888
Wave direction (→)4343434344444444
Temperature (°C)25°C27°C27°C27°C26°C27°C27°C25°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)4139413410102956

More surf information for Ward of Chaguanas

Regions and cities in Ward of Chaguanas, Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago