Thursday 27 June

Wind forecast for Yee To Wappah Island
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1515172422222218
Wind gusts ( km/h)2424283436363327
Wind direction (→)141degree wind144degree wind141degree wind132degree wind126degree wind121degree wind123degree wind128degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)22222222
Wave direction (→)13715214599104103111121
Temperature (°C)23°C26°C25°C26°C27°C27°C25°C24°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)3134577476782551

Friday 28 June

Wind forecast for Yee To Wappah Island
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1715202321221912
Wind gusts ( km/h)2726333738283020
Wind direction (→)138degree wind146degree wind134degree wind118degree wind95degree wind86degree wind101degree wind127degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)21222222
Wave direction (→)134138127111919199106
Temperature (°C)24°C24°C25°C27°C27°C24°C25°C24°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)3472557970105415

Saturday 29 June

Wind forecast for Yee To Wappah Island
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1215151719232014
Wind gusts ( km/h)2026262533292721
Wind direction (→)131degree wind142degree wind131degree wind113degree wind90degree wind79degree wind95degree wind101degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)11122222
Wave direction (→)13314111995778695100
Temperature (°C)24°C26°C23°C26°C27°C24°C23°C23°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)374336248714417

Sunday 30 June

Wind forecast for Yee To Wappah Island
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1215162125222218
Wind gusts ( km/h)2026272930223528
Wind direction (→)141degree wind124degree wind122degree wind97degree wind77degree wind77degree wind89degree wind88degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)21222222
Wave direction (→)112119123858189101107
Temperature (°C)23°C26°C24°C26°C23°C23°C24°C25°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)9438205845

Monday 1 July

Wind forecast for Yee To Wappah Island
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1213151716161717
Wind gusts ( km/h)2020242426342427
Wind direction (→)139degree wind143degree wind123degree wind109degree wind79degree wind84degree wind122degree wind131degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)22122222
Wave direction (→)121128122117757687112
Temperature (°C)23°C26°C23°C26°C26°C24°C23°C23°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)05387580412

Tuesday 2 July

Wind forecast for Yee To Wappah Island
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)1821343631282831
Wind gusts ( km/h)2934484832454444
Wind direction (→)141degree wind141degree wind151degree wind136degree wind134degree wind132degree wind134degree wind128degree wind
Wave (m)
Wave period (s)11222222
Wave direction (→)129122134150134125131133
Temperature (°C)23°C24°C23°C24°C22°C24°C23°C23°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)3184426784666

Wednesday 3 July

Wind forecast for Yee To Wappah Island
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h
Wind speed ( km/h)2838403633303029
Wind gusts ( km/h)4052534744414441
Wind direction (→)131degree wind148degree wind139degree wind137degree wind139degree wind142degree wind144degree wind141degree wind
Wave (m)0.811110.80.80.7
Wave period (s)22222222
Wave direction (→)137141141141136134143145
Temperature (°C)24°C23°C22°C23°C23°C23°C22°C22°C
Cloud cover (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*Precip. (mm/1h)10408892857136

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